Why other people attack you and what to do about it (LOA everyone is you pushed out)

Anthony Loizou
7 min readMay 13, 2021

Other people are created through your subconsious mind. They are your manifestation. You are God of your world and of other people in your world. Because you are God, the default script is that everyone loves you and respects you. The default script is that you always get what you want and all people in your world are here to assist you.

However, you do not experience this. You might get rejected. You might get attacked. That rude guy went in front of you in line. That neighbor always likes to have late parties. That bus driver knew you were running and still didn’t stop the bus for you. Why is there so much hate and negativity in the world, and why are other people attacking you? If you are God of your reality, it doesn’t make sense.

Since you are God of your reality, you are the source of power. No one and nothing has any power over you unless you give it to them. Every person is your servant and is supposed to obey you and give you everything you want. All goals are supposed to be achieved. Every person is supposed to be nice towards you. There is however a way of other people and the 3D world (your outer experience, which is your world) to suck your energy, your power. Once they suck your energy, they can attack you, torture you, yell at you, insult you, abuse you. If the 3D world manages to constantly suck energy off you, it can become your worst nightmare.

The 3D world and other people in your world feed on your negative energy. Specifically, they are the emotions of anger, hate, fear and lust. These emotions feed the 3D world and its people. When you give up your power, your energy, you become more human and less God. And there is another catch. Once you release this negative emotion to the 3D world and other people, it must come back to you. The 3D world is like a mirror. Yesterday you yelled at your coworker for something they did. Tomorrow someone will have power over you and yell at you, or do something else to abuse you. Other people are part of you, so whatever negative emotion you cause other people to feel, in time you will feel it. Circumstances in your life will form in a way that you will not be able to escape. In the same way the other person might feel victimized and terrified by your anger, in the future you will experience the same emotion.

If you watch a person with lust for some time, once they leave your experience you feel drained, addicted, you want more. They sucked your energy. That person constantly doing things to annoy you. You attacked them with anger. After you indulge in anger you feel relieved, tired, drained. They sucked your energy. Energy cannot be created and destroyed, it is transferred from one form to the other. This is why other people attack you. They want your energy because you are God of your reality and you are the source of that energy. You are the sun of your reality. They want you to indulge in anger, hate, fear, lust for them. Once they have your energy, the 3D world has been fed, and now all the negativity of the world can appear in your outer experience. You fall more and more into the level of the world.

The trick of the attacker is always the same. First they will try to get your attention. They want you to know them as much as possible. The more personal and intense the attack from you to them, the more energy they feed on. Once they have your attention, they do something to get your anger, fear, hate, lust. They will continue doing it until you give in. Why do they attack in the first place? Because they hold energy you gave in the past. Once you start practicing nonresistance, every attack of other people towards you is an opportunity for you to claim your power. Slowly you will start draining the 3D world and other people, and slowly you will notice other people attack you less, and things somehow work out for you. This is because you know better and do not indulge in other people’s attacks. You take responsibility for the attacks, because you gave other people your power to do this to you by indulging in anger, hate, fear, lust, hate. Then you understand that every attack is an opportunity to claim your power back.

You never run away from negativity. You make sure you stick around to whatever is in your experience that is negative and practice nonresistance, so that it can slowly leave your life for good. As long as the negativity is in your experience, you need to accept it and welcome it. It means there is still energy for you to claim back from the 3D world. You overcome the attacks of other people towards you with nonresistance. That doesn’t mean that if you are in danger you do not defend yourself. Of course you defend yourself. But, if your life is not in threat, you accept whatever is before you, no matter how unpleasant it may be. For example, if someone is yelling at you and insulting you, nonresistance means that you basically do nothing, you stay there and accept it. You do not attack back. You do not defend yourself. Because defense is a form of attack. You accept the negative energy, because you know it is your own negative energy coming back to you. The 3D world is just mirroring the energy you put out in the past.

You can of course set boundaries and do as you wish as long as you have the right to do so. Just don’t attack back. It is simple. Other people are tempting you to react. You stay strong and do not react. Sometimes it might feel painful. All that anger inside you wants to externalize. You need to stay strong to temptation.

That does not mean that you do not feel or avoid your emotions. You do not want to suppress your emotions. When tempted, focus on the present moment. Ideally, always be in the present moment. What that means is, you do not allow yourself to dwell on thoughts about the past and the future. Of course you can set goals and plan for tomorrow. But you do not worry about the future. You stay in the present moment, fully accepting what appears in your experience. You practice awareness. Ideally, you dedicate at least 15 minutes of your time daily to practice mindfulness meditation. In this kind of meditation, you observe your thoughts and emotions from a distance and try as much as possible to not engage with them, simply observe them and let them come and go in your mind and body.

Living in the present moment means that you essentially take what you did in your meditation, observing your thoughts and emotions, and you practice it in your daily life. You live as much as possible in the present, aware of what is happening now in your external and internal world. If another person attacks you, it is completely normal for you to have hateful throughts and to get angry. But you know better. You do not want to feed the 3D world your precious energy. In these moments it is important to be fully present and observe your inner state. How you think and feel. Give the negative reactive thoughts and your negative feelings the light of your awareness. That does not mean you engage in them. You do not have to feel the anger. Just observe that this is how your mind and body are reacting to whatever is happening in the present moment. The more you observe, become aware and not participate, the more you will learn to observe and let your reactive thoughts and emotions go.

As humans we are very resilient beings. No matter what challenge you go through, no matter how difficult it may seem, you will with time overcome it. You will get used to it. You will adapt and change during challenging times. You will become stronger. And once you learn how to be fine and nonreactive to the challenging situation, with time it will pass. You need to accept the pain and the hurt, to cry and feel these emotions of hurt. It is fine to feel the pain. You let it go. But you do not fall into the trap of feeling victimized all the time. Because that pain is manifesting. You allow yourself to feel the pain and you find a way to find joy and peace. Allowing yourself to stay in victimization mode will perpetuate the challenging situation. Tell yourself that, like everything, this too shall pass. Practice being in the present moment. This is where your power lies, and where you can find incredible power and strength to stay at peace no matter what is happening around you. By observing your negative emotion, you allow it to dissolve.

Your thoughts create your reality. Identify what underlying story you have about other people. No matter what is happening, you can change the behavior of other people around you. Throughout the day affirm ‘All people love and respect me’. Whenever you find yourself thinking about the attacks of other people towards you, no matter what the nature of the attack, do not accept the thought. Because all thoughts you accept as true manifest. Replace the negative thought with your affirmation ‘All people love and respect me’. If you practice this, you will notice changes in your outer world. Because your outer world must conform to what you predominantly think or affirm. An affirmation is a thought.

If you affirm that all people love you and respect you, it must happen. People’s behavior towards you will change, or people will leave your life. Your 3D world will reshape so that your affirmation becomes true. Although the world might be full of hateful, aggressive and abusive people who would attack you if you were in their experience, it is impossible for them to be in your experience because of what you affirm. And because you do not allow yourself to feed the 3D world with your negative emotion of anger, hate, fear and lust. You are not a match to their energy.



Anthony Loizou

I’m sharing ideas concerning the law of attraction and how to use it to master your mind, overcome challenges and create your ideal life.