How to overcome evil

Anthony Loizou
6 min readMay 26, 2022

Evil is not real, it is an illusion. What we call evil is just a lack of energy. In the same way that darkness is not real, it is just the lack of light.

Evil’s game is the same, whether we are speaking in regards to a person or a microbe. Yes, some people on Earth are not like a disease, they are a disease.

The game of evil is quite simple. It will present something in your outer experience that will generate a negative emotion in your body. Then, this negative emotion will help generate negative thoughts about the person or experience. These negative thoughts create tunnels between you and the evil-doer. These tunnels are used in order to transmit energy from you them. The more you think about the person or situation, the more established the pathway becomes, and with time you will live to constantly give your energy to the evil ones.

You have however the power to overcome evil. And, as you slowly but steadily destroy the pathways of evil from your energetic field, you will no longer be a match to evil. That is, the evil ones will disappear from your experience. You might be phychically attacked in different occations, but you will practice the technique described in the following text and you will not allow a pathway to be created.

First, you need to learn to process negative emotions. As mentioned, the evil one will try to make you feel negative emotion. You learn to observe your negative emotions from a distance. You sit on the seat of the observer of the person having the emotion, and not the seat of the person having the experience.

Once you learn everytime you experience negative emotion to become the observer of the emotion and allow it to pass through your body, you are one step closer to stopping the evil doer from stealing your energy.

The second step is to watch your thoughts. When you notice yourself having negative thoughts about the evil person or situation, you stop yourself and replace the negative thinking with something that will help you stop having these thoughts. It can be as simple as a mantra, or a one-sentence prayer. Just something of higher frequency that will block the negative thought from dwelling in your mind and creating the tunnel between you and the evil one.

Remember, don’t beat yourself up for having these thoughts. It is completely normal that your mind might be overwhelmed with thoughts about the evil person or situation. But be strict with yourself to replace these negative thoughts with the mantra or one-sentence prayer.

One idea of something to repeat while having negative thoughts is “I cast this burden on the Christ within and I go free”. This is described in the chapter “Casting the burden” of the book “The game of life and how to play it” by Florence Scovel Shinn. It can be whatever you want. You can ask the help of any saint or guide, to help you with these negative thoughts.

The key point with the negative thoughts is to observe them from a distance and once you identify a thought about evil, you replace the negative thought with the mantra or prayer.

This is it. It is as simple as that. Remember, all these people on Earth are attacking you because they want your energy, they want you to have negative emotion and they want you to feed them with your negative thoughts. Sending hate towards them will only feed them and get you to become their victim. Attacking them will only help them chain you and suck your energy.

Your negative thoughts about the evil ones feeds them with your energy. Just do not allow your mind to dwell with thoughts about the evil ones and do not take action to defend yourself. Then the 3D world will naturally change to the better with time. You don’t need to create the good. The good comes naturally. You just need to not let your mind dwell in the bad. Then the good naturally arises.

Also, don’t take the attacks personally. Although the attacks are specifically towards you because you are a higher being, you should remember that these evil ones grew up themselves in abusive surroundings. They never learned to respect other people. Many of them were never given the opportunity to have a connection with God. Many people on Earth are very similar to monkeys, they are complete animals that just eat bananas, move around and seek the first thing that will being them pleasure.

Many humans on Earth are the lowest forms of life on Earth. They are completely disconnected from source energy, or God. Don’t fight them, just learn to live your life and not become their food.

Also, there is the effect of karma. When you attack these evil people, your karma now becomes one where you will get attacked back. Karma means that the outer world is your mirror. If you choose to attack, hurt or insult the evil one, no matter what you do to them, you will get the same energy back. It is law.

This is where you need to be careful. If you attack the evil one for insulting you or attacking you, the law of karma now is on their side. This means that they now have God’s permission to harm you in whatever way they please. Just be very careful to never attack evil ones, not insult them, not hurt them in any way, because they could kill you.

Also, remember that it is your right to set the boundaries for yourself. If an evil one triggers you, you are free to tell them to never talk to you again, or you can really start running when they appear in your outer experience. You can really avoid them as much as you want, you can ignore them. No bad karma here. And actually, you are encouraged to stay away from evil ones that in any way try to make you attack them.

If a person tries in any way to make you attack them, they are dangerous and should be avoided.

If your life is full of evil ones, do not be discouraged. Practice watching your negative emotions and blockEssneing your negative thoughts about attacks or evil. Soon the evil ones will naturally disappear from your experience.

Evil needs your negative thought to exist in your outer world. Without negative thought it dissolves, always. This is because the fabric of the outer world is part of God. Evil is not real. So evil only exists as much as you allow it to exist by means of your thoughts. Stop having thoughts about about evil, replace them with thoughts about goodness, such as a mantra or a prayer, and evil will disappear from your experience.

Also, remember that your fight is not an external one. It is an internal one. It is a fight to overcome your negative emotions and thoughts. Once you practice what is described here, your internal world will change. Your thoughts will be free from evil. Your outer world is created by your thoughts, so it will naturally change to become free from evil. Don’t try to change the outside, change the inside and the outer world will change automatically. This happens everytime, it is law.

You live your life like a filter. You observe your negative emotions from a distance and replace your negative thoughts about evil. You are filtering out the bad, and with time you will only experience the filtered goodness in your outer world. Just be persistent to not fall victim of your own negative emotions and thoughts.

Remember, there are higher forces and God here to help you with this effort. You are not alone. Feel free to pray to higher beings and God to help you overcome evil and live a joyful fulfilling life.



Anthony Loizou

I’m sharing ideas concerning the law of attraction and how to use it to master your mind, overcome challenges and create your ideal life.