Overcoming obstacles with acceptanceAcceptance means that no matter what appears in the outside world, you acknowledge that it is happening and your mind is not believing that…Jul 30, 2022Jul 30, 2022
Live the best life with gratefulness in the nowIn his books Eckhart Tolle emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment. As he says in his books, living purely in the now…Jun 28, 2022Jun 28, 2022
How to overcome evilEvil is not real, it is an illusion. What we call evil is just a lack of energy. In the same way that darkness is not real, it is just the…May 26, 2022May 26, 2022
Solve problems with the law of attractionThe law of attraction states that your thoughts create your outer reality. Everything and everyone in your experience are created by your…Aug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021
Why other people attack you and what to do about it (LOA everyone is you pushed out)Other people are created through your subconsious mind. They are your manifestation. You are God of your world and of other people in your…May 13, 2021May 13, 2021
Control your inner conversations, change your lifeIf there was a room with people, and these people decided what would happen in your experience, in your 3D reality, you would probably…Apr 3, 2020Apr 3, 2020
How your 3D world is feeding off your energy and how to claim it backYou live in your own private world. Although it seems like you are an individual human being living in a world full of other people…Mar 27, 2020Mar 27, 2020
Think from the end in order to feel the wish fulfilledThe universe we live in is a vibrational universe. You are an active creator in every moment of your life, providing your unique…Mar 22, 2020Mar 22, 2020
How to use the law of attraction to overcome challenges in your lifeIn our everyday lives we face many challenges, and having knowledge of the laws of our universe can help us overcome them with more ease…Mar 21, 2020Mar 21, 2020
How to use the law of attraction to overcome challenges in your lifeIn our everyday lives we face many challenges, and having knowledge of the laws of our universe can help us overcome them with more ease…Mar 21, 2020Mar 21, 2020